Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of 11 members, of which five* (incl the Past General Chairperson) are elected by the General Membership at the “Annual Membership Meeting and Scholarship Awards Banquet” in May. Six** are appointed by the General Chairman and two*** are appointed by the Executive Committee.
2024 - 2025 Executive Committee
General Chairperson
Kathy (Manqrum) Smith
Vice Chairperson
Deborah Tibbs
Chairperson of Previous Year
Donna (Smith) Hagan​
Jeanette (Sherrill) Bolton​
Mike Baber
David R. Waddey
Scholarship Committee Chairperson
Tana Little
20s -- 30s Class Coordinator/Faculty & Staff
Pat (Williams) Malone
(Pat has requested her contact info not be published).
40s Class Coordinator (1940--1949)
50s Class Coordinator (1950--1959)
Roney Butts
60s Plus Class Coordinator (1960--1971)
Pat Williams Malone
(Has requested address and telephone not be published).
Volunteers Needed To Serve OnClass Coordinator/Chairperson & Committee Members
All Association Members are encouraged to volunteer to serve as an Officer and/or Committee member of the Association.
Contact any Officer for information on duties and responsibilities of any position.
The Executive Committee meets the second Tuesday of each month, at 11:00 am at the CHS Alumni Building (Old Central Band Building). Executive Committee meeting minutes are available upon request.

Central High Alumni Assoc.
P.O. Box 404
Hermitage, TN 37076-0404
615-291-6614, ext. 1918
Hail to the Blue and Gold
Hail Central High
Loyal and true
We'll be to you
Long as the years go by.
Up to the vaulted sky
Fling thy proud fold
Standard of might and right,
The blue and Gold.